Weak Fundamental Momentum Sinks Perfect Moment Ltd

Perfect Moment Ltd (AMEX:PMNT) has a beta value of -2.40 and has seen 59987.0 shares traded in the last trading session. The company, currently valued at $14.56M, closed the last trade at $0.91 per share which meant it gained $0.04 on the day or 4.93% during that session. The PMNT stock price is -557.14% off its 52-week high price of $5.98 and 27.47% above the 52-week low of $0.66. If we look at the company’s 10-day average daily trading volume, we find that it stood at 0.17 million shares traded. The 3-month trading volume is 184.81K shares.

The consensus among analysts is that Perfect Moment Ltd (PMNT) is Buy stock at the moment, with a recommendation rating of 1.00. 0 analysts rate the stock as a Sell, while 0 rate it as Overweight. 0 out of 1 have rated it as a Hold, with 1 advising it as a Buy. 0 have rated the stock as Underweight. The expected earnings per share for the stock is 0.

Perfect Moment Ltd (AMEX:PMNT) trade information

Sporting 4.93% in the green in last session, the stock has traded in the red over the last five days, with the highest price hit on recent trading when the PMNT stock price touched $0.91 or saw a rise of 11.65%. Year-to-date, Perfect Moment Ltd shares have moved -9.07%, while the 5-day performance has seen it change -3.28%. Over the past 30 days, the shares of Perfect Moment Ltd (AMEX:PMNT) have changed -15.81%. Short interest in the company has seen 41691.0 shares shorted with days to cover at 0.12.

Perfect Moment Ltd (PMNT) estimates and forecasts

The company’s shares have lost -31.64% over the past 6 months. If we evaluate the company’s growth over the last 5-year and for the next 5-year period, we find that annual earnings growth was -26.51% over the past 5 years.

PMNT Dividends

Perfect Moment Ltd is expected to release its next earnings report in March this year, and investors are excited at the prospect of better dividends despite the company’s debt issue.